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What we do

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Outdoor Education Services

We offer a range of outdoor education services including taking your students on activities with fully qualified staff as well as planning and executing a full camp and activity program for your school.

rafting the franklin river 

Lose yourself in the pristine water and landscapes of the mighty Franklin River.  This once in a lifetime experience has the capacity to affect our guests in magical ways.

We offer 8-10 day rafting trips on the Franklin River.  We can cater for private groups and schoolies trips for Year 11/12 leavers.

accredited Training courses

We provide  the following accredited training courses:

  • Wilderness First Aid (SISSS00126)

  • Remote Area First Aid (HLTAID013)

  • Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)

  • CPR Only (HLTAID009)

  • Rescue3 International swift-water rescue

  • Raft Guides Course

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